
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Solution to Beating Trump is Not Oprah

Ever since Oprah Winfrey gave a rousing at the Golden Globes (which I did not care to watch), mainstream media outlets, neoconservative Bill Kristol, and establishment Democratic insiders have been speculating a possible 2020 presidential run from the former tabloid television talk show host, now the CEO of her own television channel. Though as of now, no comment has come from Oprah in response to the feedback received, and she denied plans to ever run for any political office on Stephen Colbert's show last year . We will have to see how Washington insiders will meet behind doors to pressure her to run. In all honesty, I have no clue what Oprah stands for, nor do I know do her political positions other than her staunch support for Democratic politicians. One could say she is a tremendous inspiration and example of the "American Dream" because she was born into poverty in Mississippi, raised by family members who did not want her, and later rose through the ranks of tele

Innocent Breitbart Article About U.S. Soldier Gets Racist Comments

Breitbart News is second to Fox for being the propaganda arm of the Trump administration and a outlet for the alt-right. Even more infamous than their articles are the comment sections where anonymous people can spew the most notorious rhetoric containing racism, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and pure hatred for the left. I myself have tempted to try approaching Breitbart with a grain of salt, but I have a strong urge to read other people's comments, and what plagues the bottom of the page has prevented any and all attempts from me ever truly giving this fake news website a chance. A couple of days ago, I saw a tweet by Robert Klemko showing several screenshots on what appeared to be an innocent story about a U.S. Army Veteran who had to take multiple flights in two days to witness the birth of his child. Everything seemed to be okay with this Breitbart article that was shared, except for the comments. Why? Because the soldier in the story was black.

Pizzagate is No Longer About Fighting Pedophilia

Let me be absolutely clear in saying in that I do believe pedophilia exists in all social classes of society and needs to be addressed. With that being said, there are both rational and irrational ways of combating this issue. This Pizzagate conspiracy theory is not one of them. The conspiracy theory, which alleges that a pizza joint in Washington, D.C. was used by 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her former campaign chair John Podesta for a child sex slave ring they ran, was one of the earliest stories to give rise to the label fake news after a man, armed with a knife, AR-15 assault weapon and a revolver , stormed the restaurant in December 2016 in hopes of freeing children supposedly held against their will in a nonexistent basement. Model Chrissy Teigen, wife of musician John Legend, is the latest victim of this fake news hoax after Liz Crokin, a so called "investigative journalist," dug up old photos showing the celebrity couple's daugh

Donald Trump’s Tweet on North Korea is Dangerous and Reckless

The newest controversy out of a string of ones that President Donald Trump just cannot seem to shake off has put the future of the United States and the world one step closer to nuclear war with Kim Jong Un and his hermit kingdom. The tweet , posted on January 8, argues how the president's nuclear button is "much bigger & more powerful one than his [Kim], and my Button works!" Never before has any American president delivered such a provocative response to another foreign leader, as it makes George W. Bush's "axis of evil" speech and Ronald Reagan's "evil empire" remarks appear much more tame. While the tweet has set off condemnation from members of both major political parties , keep in mind the establishment Democrats who have pushed for increased tensions with Russia over yet to be proven allegations that Vladimir Putin influenced the 2016 presidential election, and a Rob Reiner video with Morgan Freeman declaring "we are at war&q

Starting Anew on Blogspot in the Age of Trump

Nearly three years have past since I have last posted on this website, as I desired to voice my opinions in the hopes of finding an audience who would be willing to listen. Under a different name, I only published one post and abandoned another in progress. Since then, the political landscape of both the nation and the world have changed dramatically in the wake of Donald Trump's election as President of the United States. Just recently, I had also graduated from college with a B.A. Liberal Arts, obtaining a History Major and a Minor in American Studies. Nearly a year into the Trump presidency, I have given myself the motivation to return to the website I had abandoned, and seek to find an outlet to voice my grievances against this tyrannical regime. Fame is not something I hope to achieve, but just the right amount of attention to grab the reader and hear me out, whether they agree with me or disagree. I do not speak on behalf of the so-called "Resistance," which is