Innocent Breitbart Article About U.S. Soldier Gets Racist Comments

Breitbart News is second to Fox for being the propaganda arm of the Trump administration and a outlet for the alt-right. Even more infamous than their articles are the comment sections where anonymous people can spew the most notorious rhetoric containing racism, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and pure hatred for the left. I myself have tempted to try approaching Breitbart with a grain of salt, but I have a strong urge to read other people's comments, and what plagues the bottom of the page has prevented any and all attempts from me ever truly giving this fake news website a chance.

A couple of days ago, I saw a tweet by Robert Klemko showing several screenshots on what appeared to be an innocent story about a U.S. Army Veteran who had to take multiple flights in two days to witness the birth of his child. Everything seemed to be okay with this Breitbart article that was shared, except for the comments. Why? Because the soldier in the story was black.

Here is just a sample of the comments written below:

WR75: "Preserving your racial traits, culture, and bloodline is good and natural. Multi-racialism and multiculturalism is unnatural and not good in any way. This is a fact no matter how much you indoctrinated cucks cry about it."

trpilot2713: "Sorry, but if this guy wasn't black there would not have been a story. It would have been just another white guy doing what is expected of us to see our's a story because with blacks its not expected."

America First: "All White, Western countries are under assault by a *certain group* of people that are trying to breed us out by forcing third-worlders into our countries. And this chick just helped them out. If you want to know what it is like to be a white minority in the USA, look no further than Zimbabwe or South Africa. We will be hunted and killed. Not everyone is as gracious to foreigners/minorities as white folks."

Okay I have got a lot to say about these three comments, so I will go through each one individually starting with WR75. He goes on this rant about the need to preserve the white race, genetic traits, multiculturalism bad, and bloodlines. Like what does that have to do with this story? It is about a solider in our military, there is absolutely no mention of his race. But because he is black, you decide to make an off topic diatribe trying to make sure someone out there will listen to you and trash people of color.

There is always something with you fringe conservatives being triggered by the term "multiculturalism." You do know the United States of America was founded as a multicultural society with whites, blacks, and Native Americans settled on this land, even though the natives were here long before the former two, and even those natives held different cultural practices and beliefs. As for WR75's mention of "cuck," I am not surprised. You can't be alt-right unless the word is part of your daily vocabulary.

trpilot2713 said in their comment that, "if this guy wasn't black there would not have been a story." How? Where is your irrefutable proof to back this up? You do not have it, and even if I were to ask you, you would not bring it up and attempt to deflect. Go on to Facebook and type in "solider surprises child" in the search bar. You will see plenty of videos that get viral attention where soldiers surprise their own spouses and children, and these soldiers are of all different races, including white soldiers. So do not try to play victim with some reverse racism.

Lastly, America First (which is a username that already gives away someone as a total douche) pulls out the old white genocide card to profess his persecution complex. Hey dude, this is not a story about immigration or refugees. It was supposed to be heartwarming until you and all the other racists crashed the party once you saw this soldier was black. And who is trying to breed you out? Black people from Africa? Brown people from the Middle East? Or how about your favorite boogeyman, George Soros? If you are going to make a broad accusation like that against all minorities,  at least present your evidence.

What is even more pathetic about America First's disturbingly racist rant is he blames the wife of the soldier, who is white, for destroying his race in America. "Oh noes! An interracial couple! Race mixing triggers me! Time to recite the fourteen words to make myself feel better!"

A good chunk of you on the alt-right always repeat this shit every time you come across a story about black people, good OR bad. I would also like to call out the hypocrisy of some of these people. These are the same ones who will accuse the left of trying to make everything about race when a police shooting happens, or some white lunatic shoots up multiple people saying, "Ah these race baiters. Destroying the dream of MLK. Stop looking for race or racism in every single story. That all ended in 1968 because Sheriff David Clarke said so." But then they turn around, and make stories like this soldier about race because he has a darker skin color. Especially if this story is reported on a site like Breitbart.

Last thing I want to debunk about America First's comment. He brings up Zimbabwe and South Africa as examples of what would happen to the United States if whites were a minority. Time for fact checking. The American Community Survey, which is run by the United States Census Bureau, states that nearly 74% of all Americans are white, blacks make up nearly 13%, and other minorities make up nearly 11%. If the overwhelming of people in this country are still white and likely to be for a long time, what is the problem? You should not be having any complaints. As for Zimbabwe and South Africa, those countries have always had black majorities, but because of colonization and apartheid, the whites were the ones who had the power despite being vastly outnumbered. Perhaps the ancestors of the remaining whites should not have been so keen to support those policies, otherwise they would not face any resentment.

It is a sad state of affairs. Heartwarming stories like the ones involving this soldier get some people riled up. Breitbart, please just stick to sucking up to Trump with your fake news. Because even your racist audience cannot seem to keep politics out of the comments of an apolitical story.


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