The Solution to Beating Trump is Not Oprah

Ever since Oprah Winfrey gave a rousing at the Golden Globes (which I did not care to watch), mainstream media outlets, neoconservative Bill Kristol, and establishment Democratic insiders have been speculating a possible 2020 presidential run from the former tabloid television talk show host, now the CEO of her own television channel. Though as of now, no comment has come from Oprah in response to the feedback received, and she denied plans to ever run for any political office on Stephen Colbert's show last year. We will have to see how Washington insiders will meet behind doors to pressure her to run.

In all honesty, I have no clue what Oprah stands for, nor do I know do her political positions other than her staunch support for Democratic politicians. One could say she is a tremendous inspiration and example of the "American Dream" because she was born into poverty in Mississippi, raised by family members who did not want her, and later rose through the ranks of television until given the opportunity to host her own show. But does the emerging progressive left want someone who owns multiple homes in California, New Jersey, Illinois, Florida, Colorado, Hawaii, and Antigua to represent them? This is who Democratic Party should be fighting back against, not be placing on a pedestal to challenge President Donald Trump.

So far, progressive voices like Kyle Kulinski, Jimmy Dore, David Doel, and Mike Figuredo, have all come to the same conclusion that a Winfrey presidency would be bad for the country. You have to think carefully about someone like her, with even less experience on foreign and domestic matters than Trump, would be vulnerable to pressure from the elites in Washington and Wall Street. They can use someone like her to benefit them and expand their power, which will prompt Oprah to move towards a more centrist position.

And if she is a centrist already, does that make her an opponent of a $15 minimum wage, tuition-free college, renewable energy, a single-payer healthcare system, medicare for all, ending the mass incarceration of African Americans who are locked up for nonviolent drug offenses, and ending the interventionist wars? Keep in mind that last one because Oprah expressed her support for the Iraq War in 2002. Already it should serve as an automatic disqualification from ever running for any political office, because there is no excuse for backing a conflict which killed over 250,000 innocent civilians in a country that never attacked us.

In a climate that is also hostile to Hollywood and celebrity culture due to strong opposition from conservatives who believe celebrities are out of touch with their needs, Trump (despite having been a celebrity himself) can exploit this in a probable match-up against Oprah. Another downside would be a photograph of Oprah with Harvey Weinstein that has circulated to show some sort of complicit support in silencing Weinstein's sexual assault victims. So tell me again Resistance folks, is this who you want as your leader in 2020?


  1. She's also promoted a huge amount of pseudoscience on her show, and inflicted Drs. Phil and Oz onto us, no less.


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