Starting Anew on Blogspot in the Age of Trump

Nearly three years have past since I have last posted on this website, as I desired to voice my opinions in the hopes of finding an audience who would be willing to listen. Under a different name, I only published one post and abandoned another in progress. Since then, the political landscape of both the nation and the world have changed dramatically in the wake of Donald Trump's election as President of the United States.

Just recently, I had also graduated from college with a B.A. Liberal Arts, obtaining a History Major and a Minor in American Studies. Nearly a year into the Trump presidency, I have given myself the motivation to return to the website I had abandoned, and seek to find an outlet to voice my grievances against this tyrannical regime. Fame is not something I hope to achieve, but just the right amount of attention to grab the reader and hear me out, whether they agree with me or disagree.

I do not speak on behalf of the so-called "Resistance," which is really composed of neo-liberal apologists of Hillary Clinton who refuse to accept the outcome of the election and take responsibility for forcing down our collective throats the absolute worst candidate nobody in America wanted. I speak for myself and for all the democratic socialists and rational leftists out there who are ready to shine a light on the real issues at hand. That is all.


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