Donald Trump’s Tweet on North Korea is Dangerous and Reckless

The newest controversy out of a string of ones that President Donald Trump just cannot seem to shake off has put the future of the United States and the world one step closer to nuclear war with Kim Jong Un and his hermit kingdom. The tweet, posted on January 8, argues how the president's nuclear button is "much bigger & more powerful one than his [Kim], and my Button works!" Never before has any American president delivered such a provocative response to another foreign leader, as it makes George W. Bush's "axis of evil" speech and Ronald Reagan's "evil empire" remarks appear much more tame.

While the tweet has set off condemnation from members of both major political parties, keep in mind the establishment Democrats who have pushed for increased tensions with Russia over yet to be proven allegations that Vladimir Putin influenced the 2016 presidential election, and a Rob Reiner video with Morgan Freeman declaring "we are at war" makes them appear more guilty of wanting intervention. Republicans on the other hand have been hankering for intervention in Iran in response to the president's tweets in favor of the protestors, wanting to use this support of protests as a small step towards a U.S. backed regime. So before both parties go after Trump, let them look into a massive mirror and see themselves as the grotesque interventionist hypocrites they are.

President Trump also has the nerve to call Kim's regime "depleted and food starved" when we have the largest military in the entire world, plus a defense budget three times that of China's and around ten times larger than Russia's. Back on the home front, there are millions in this country who are suffering from a lack of health insurance, working longer hours for lower wages, and are about to see their taxes raised as a result of the tax cut, disapproved by 55% of the American public, recently passed. There are people in Puerto Rico who continue to suffer without aid that was promised to them in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Does he really believe that the single mothers and fathers of Appalachia give a damn on what kind of action should be taken against North Korea when they can barely afford to put food on the table because the coal jobs he promised on the campaign trail to bring back are absent?

It a giant prick waving contest at this point. We are literally living a George Carlin comedy skit. Oh what a joy it could be if he were around to see the clown car that is the United States of America at this point. Because Kim Jong Un's bark has become louder as he clutches his weapons tighter, understanding that U.S. intervention will likely occur if he were to give them to Trump, as was the case with Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. The ones with the bigger pricks, Bush and Obama respectively, eventually won with the price of an entire region destabilized for generations.

This tweet should have immediately set off the alarm for Twitter to permanently suspend Trump's account. Promoting and encouraging violence is the basis of it, and qualifies as a violation of the terms of service. Though what is it going to take for Twitter to listen to millions of voices on this platform and do the right thing?


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