Pizzagate is No Longer About Fighting Pedophilia

Let me be absolutely clear in saying in that I do believe pedophilia exists in all social classes of society and needs to be addressed. With that being said, there are both rational and irrational ways of combating this issue. This Pizzagate conspiracy theory is not one of them.

The conspiracy theory, which alleges that a pizza joint in Washington, D.C. was used by 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her former campaign chair John Podesta for a child sex slave ring they ran, was one of the earliest stories to give rise to the label fake news after a man, armed with a knife, AR-15 assault weapon and a revolver, stormed the restaurant in December 2016 in hopes of freeing children supposedly held against their will in a nonexistent basement.

Model Chrissy Teigen, wife of musician John Legend, is the latest victim of this fake news hoax after Liz Crokin, a so called "investigative journalist," dug up old photos showing the celebrity couple's daughter wearing a hot dog, Alice in Wonderland, and pineapple costumes. Proponents of Pizzagate argue that hot dog and pineapple, along with several other foods, serve as coded language for endorsement of pedophilia.

Conspiracy theorists also dug up photos of the couple posing with now disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, suggesting that it was proof of pedophilia endorsement. Along with the accusations mentioned above, these conspiracy theorists also brought up allegations of her and her husband attending "spirit cooking" dinners.

In the aftermath of these allegations, Crokin was put on notice after the couple threatened to file a lawsuit. While none has been filed, Teigen successfully convinced Twitter to remove the conspiracy theorist's verification mark.

What was once a fake news hoax promoted by the likes of Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, and Mike Flynn Jr. has now turned into an all out war on celebrities who have been vocally critical of President Donald Trump and his agenda. It is not just celebrities either, but anyone with left-wing views can be accused of supporting pedophilia because us "godless, cultural Marxist heathens" are the ones who have no moral compass and disregard the nuclear family. The right has become so unhinged in their hatred of the left to the point that they will immediately believe almost any story out of Fox News, Breitbart, and InfoWars, hoping the narrative they hold onto about us will become facts.

There is a saying which goes, "Those who shout the loudest usually have something to hide." Conservatives have used this quote to try to expose leftists who have been vocal against assault and President Trump's own accusations of rape and harassment, but later are convicted of sex crimes. However, based on the observational fact that it has been figureheads of the far right like Cernovich (accused of and charged with rape in 2003) who have screamed more about pedophilia and sex crimes than the left on the internet, I wonder if it is really the "family values" people who have skeletons in their closets.

The right may have had the upper hand last year with painting a broad stroke of the brush on the left as sexual deviants, but the left will prevail this year. We will not let ourselves be subjugated to this libel and slander nor go quietly into the night as we watch our LGBTQ allies be faced once again with the return of  sexual deviant accusations we thought would go away in the 21st century. So be ready to take on the hypocrites of the far right by arming yourselves with the power of logic.


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