A Short Message to the Parkland Survivors

There have probably been many videos on YouTube and editorials on news sites regarding the mass shooting at the high school in Parkland, Florida. Some have been pro-gun control, some anti-gun control, others have been concerned with conspiracy theories which have produced threats against the students. This editorial will be a little different.

Hi there Douglas High School student. I am just a random 22 year old amateur writer who works from home. But I just want to send you this message. You are not alone. You are loved. You are supported by millions of Americans and others around the world as we have seen your effort to stand up to our country's inept politicians and the NRA.

We all know of the NRA's dirty work of preventing meaningful gun reform passing, and that they are hypocrites on combating mental health when President Trump last year repealed an Obama-era law which put those with mental illnesses on a watch list in case they were to ever purchase a firearm. Your bravery against your own senator Marco Rubio and your strength to put him in the spotlight of having accepted donations from this bloodstained organization raises awareness to how much powers organizations like them in general have powerful influence in lobbying.

You have started a revolution that has ignited the spirit of thousands of children and teenagers in this country who are beginning to understand the political landscape they live in. We have seen them walk out in solidarity for you since the status quo as it stands is ineffective. I hope you will all soon have your voting power come these midterms and/or the 2020 presidential election.

Those on the right who have mocked you and have attempted to paint you as being brainwashed made the wrong move. This is only the beginning of something bigger, and they will underestimate you big time.

Fight on.


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