
Showing posts from February, 2018

Does the Democratic Party Even Care Anymore?

Paul Blest of Alternet recently published an article titled "The Dangerous Ideology That Threatens the Future of the Democratic Party." The article discusses a group called United States of Care, a so-called "nonpartisan, non-profit" group founded by a former member of President Barack Obama's administration. The group proclaims to wanting to find solutions to insure healthcare is more affordable in the United States under the guise of putting "healthcare over politics." The problem is its board is headed by many establishment politicians like former Kentucky Governor Steve Bashear (D), former Vermond Governor Jim Douglas (R), and two former Republican senators, Dave Durenberger of Minnesota and Bill Frist of Tennessee. This is where I immediately put on the brakes and call bullshit in this case. We know that when Democrats and Republicans come together for these, it becomes a cancerous form of bipartisanship that works in favor of their corporate d